What an amazing experience I just had getting the chance and taking it to go to London, England. A very large but beautiful city. This city didn't seem like a short New York. And you New York lovers are going to hate me for saying that but its very true. I mean I got to ride up in the London Eye and in every direction that I looked I didn't see an end to the city.
.....but first getting to London.....
So the flight leaves from a small airport at 5:05. The gates close at 4:25. So we (Juliann and I made this trip together....buddy system) knew the train we needed to take to get there took 1 hour and 10 mins and it came every 33. So why not just get on the 2:33. We were going to do that but to play it safe we took the 1:33 and good thing we did. We rode the bus to the train station and once we got there the train we needed wasn't running on thursday or friday. So now waht do we do. We don't have a car or a map. So we ask the people for help. They could tell my German wasn't very good so Juliann did all the talking. But the lady talked so fast that we had no idea what she was saying all the time. But they were trying to get us to the airport as best as they could.
Sure enough they found a way that took us to the airport with 20 mins left. So that means that we got to the airport at 4:05. We got in jumped on the plane and made our way to London for the 1hour and 35 minute flight. Now let me mind you I haven't flow that much but after making it though an airport doesn't that mean that if you have the same stuff that you got over to England with you would make it home with the same stuff NO!....thats a story for another blog....
So we finally land in London which is cool because they are an hour behind us so it ended up being a 35 min flight. This is a very cheap line so ofcourse its a 46 min ride by train to the city. So we take a train to the city and then from the city we were going to have to go all the way to Reading which is where my cool friend Michaela is living for her study abroad experience. It was cool because Michaela I met her over the summer doing the Ulster project. She was one of the host families sisters. And we were like o that would be so cool blah blah blah and sure enough it helped because I had a free place to stay. So finally at 10:30 at night we finally got to her place. Talk about a lot of traveling!.....
So now Friday finally got to London after missing our stop on the bus. We wanted to get off the subway, undergroud, or THE TUBE and go to Buckingham Palace first and then slide on down to Westminstser Abbey Big Ben and Houses of Parliament. So we were walking down the street and trying to find Buckingham Palace. Good thing I can use a Map because you can count the number of times we got lost on a boxing glove......0
So we are walking down the street and were like wow a lot of people are here. Sure enough we got there at 11:15 at 11:30 was their changing of the guards which is to be a very big thing. This only happens once every other day. So we didn't think about it until they were actually getting ready to do it. The changing of the guard was very impressive. A Buckingham Palace is huge with huge gates and such. But when they bring probably 50 people out to do the changing of the guards its impressive. They brought two groups of marchers out and then 2 bands came rolling in from a distance playing the whole time. This whole process took about 45 mins but it was worth it I feel. A lot of marching and their outfits were pretty cool to check out.

Following that walked through the one of the 1,000 parks they have in London. Toward Big Ben. Now all these pictures show Big Ben being so huge over everything. ITS NOT!.....i had no idea I was like what?!?! But have no fear it is still totally sweet. I was loving it.
Some other things I saw were
Covent Garden,
Westerminster Abby, Houses of Parliament, The Temple, The London Bridge, Millennium Bridge, Tate Modern, St. Paul's Cathedral, London Eye, and Chinatown.....
Alright so
chinatown is pretty cool with a lot of stuff in a little area. But around it and all through it is random clusters of things. Such as Leicester Square which has a whole but of Tickets for sale. Leicester Square is to London as Broadway is to USA. But since I got off work from
Abercrombie and Fitch to come to Germany the only A&F I have seen and smelt is what I own. And I don't own any Fierce so I have just been wearing the name. But while walking through Chinatown I saw a Fitch bag and got really excited at being pointed in the right direction I found myself upon a really really rich road.....you name a car that costs a lot it was on this street and why were these cars on the street? because there stores were really high end your
Prada and such....and so finally I turn down the street and find it......
ABERCROMBIE AND FITCH LONDON= Amazing huge. I was in aw the entire time in there. They had so maybe people working. They had models standing at spots with a camera and people would take pictures with these guys with no shirts and such. People were just standing up there dancing. It was a zoo. But I couldn't believe it. It was everything I wanted to do while working but it actually happening. Like I model at work the boss doesn't like it....I dance at work....boss doesn't enjoy it all the time but these people do it because they are told to do it.
Ok had to throw that out there........
I then went to the London Eye which is a totally cool Ferris wheel thing. It was built in 2000 and was only to be up for 5 years but because of the number of people that use it they left it up. And I could see why. Like I said before this place is not very tall. So in the London Eye you got a perfect view the entire time.

As you can tell I am higher than Big Ben himself.
Well I don't want you to spend your day reading this book so I will write THE END
But if you really have questions of want to chat it up....hit me up!