Monday, January 12, 2009

Classes day one

Alright so I started classes today. I went to my first class which was a Track II language course. It was very tough for me. I was so lost. I couldn't really understand what was being said. I mean I could pick out a few works but for the most part I was lost. So i feel that going back to the 1 level will be a good choice. I don't have a problem with it I am going to learn German so I might as well do it at a level I feel comfortable.

After my first class I went to the Menza. This is our dinning commons. the food.....not bad. I couldn't really tell what I was buying so I just kinda pointed. I saw something that looked like fish so I went with that because I atleast had some idea what it was. I got it and some potatos. I started eating it and then like an idiot I ate the stinkin lemon on top. Yes the lemon. (Note to anyone who might read this. NEVER NEVER eat a lemon. I felt the shell and everything in my belly for around 5 hours burning away.

Following eating I then had a conversation class which i feel is something i really need because I just want to be able to talk in the language for in I ever have to. This class I liked the most. We have a cool prof called Michaela which worked as a TA for Dr. Himmelein at Mt. Union in 99-00. So she is cool. This class I got to pick up on things and will learn how to talk which is sweet!

I then went back home where yes i did do my hw until I noticed the internet guy was home. So i ran over to his place and used my lack of german ability and his none english speaking self to get me the internet. which is the best news of the day because now i have my computer, skype, facebook, and mail at my fingertips.

One of the Germans in the building took me to the supermarket to show me a closer one within walking distance. Deals again were quite nice. PIZZA! 1.99 the size is like 10''. But lets be real a 2 euro meal for a poor single guy like myself is a good deal. So I might have to go there sometime and buy one or maybe two. But no more because the fridge is really small. I think my one at school was bigger.

So because I now have my internet I did get onto facebook and load some pics....nothing to cool just where I am living and a few flight photos. I will be taking nicer pics of the city because it is quite nice but the problem is I have been pretty busy and still touring it to much to worrk about pics. But have no fear you will have more soon. like i said they are on facebook

Other than that tomorrow I start my track one class at 9am which means that I have to get on a bus at 8am and connect it at the center of town at 8:32. That will be the only downside about this early class is having to be up really early. But I came here to learn.

On this weekends plans I will be making a trip to hamburg which should be quite nice.

it is now 9 here and in a few hours I will be going to bed.

Have a great rest of your night


  1. Sounds so exciting. So new and challenging!

  2. okay. here's my foreigner insight, don't always stick to the americans (or english speaking bodies). Try to make some native friends with whom you can speak yourself some german

    good luck. If you need anything, (something that I can do from France...) here's my number. 06 80 13 68 62

    Bonne Chance Adam !!

  3. How cool! Sounds like you are having a great time!
